Welcome to our SolidSMM service. We reserve the right to modify these terms of service without prior notice. The latest up-to-date terms can be found at the bottom of this page. We recommend that you read the Terms of use carefully before placing an order to avoid conflicts of interest in the future. By placing an order with Solid SMM, you agree to accept all the terms of service whether you read them or not.
- Do not use services that go against our Community Standards and adversely affect the reputation of other organizations or individuals.
- You will not upload anything into the SolidSMM including sensitive image or any material that is not accepted or suitable for the Youtube/Facebook/Instagram/TikTok/Twitter or Social Media community.
- Should not use multiple services or more than one SMM panel at the same time. Don't place two or more orders at the same time for the same account/profile/link, please wait to an order to be completed before placing another order.
- Do not cancel the service if you change your mind during and after your service and no refund is made accordingly
- Make sure you add the correct link. If you add the wrong link, your balance may not be refunded.
- Fraudulent activity such as using unauthorized or stolen credit cards will lead to termination of your account. There are no exceptions.
- There will be no refund if you want to cancel your order for any reasons
Keep in mind you will get refund to your wallet at SolidSMM panel if the order is non deliverable and there is no subsequent compensation for 30 days.
- Inform the clients of the estimated time of service.
- SolidSMM is committed to providing SMM services exactly as required shown on the order.
- SolidSMM tries hard to deliver exactly what is described in the service package. Accordingly, all orders without a refill period are not refillable even if they face a 100% drop, please make an order of services with refill.
- We reserve rights to change rates without a prior notice.
To avoid unexpected situations, please read the refund policy carefully:
Crash of interaction: Our system will note the starting quantity before the service and the final quantity accordingly. The money will be refunded to your Smm panel wallet in Solid in the event that we are unable to compensate for the number of dropped interactions. We try our best to satisfy all requests from clients and always put our clients first, then SolidSMM will compensate for any crash of interaction as soon as possible. Failing which, all transactions are refundable to your SolidSMM wallet. However, if your order has been delivered promptly and fully, we will not issue a refund.
Cancelation of the order: you can cancel your order provided that your order has not been processed yet. Once your order is processed already, you will not get refund in your wallet.
Other matters: If you accidentally place an order in the wrong category or for a private account, you won't be eligible for a refund. In other words, we will not refund any errors during your ordering process such as: wrong deposit, wrong type of service, etc. if your service is in a queue and being processed. Instead, your order is still processed and completed within the scheduled time.
SolidSMM panel reserves all intellectual property rights to all content and images, excluding images from third parties or resellers. Accordingly, you are not allowed to use images or content owned by SolidSMM without prior consent.
SolidSMM do not guarantee exact delivery times for any service. We provide our best estimate of when the order will be delivered. Any claims before that shall not be valid.
- Clients agree not to hold SolidSMM or any affiliates responsible for any claims related to any breach of the terms or provisions of this Term. The User also agrees not to hold SolidSMM or associate entities liable for any kind of loss or damage that may arise from using this website.
- We DO NOT guarantee 100% of our accounts will have a profile picture, full bio and uploaded pictures, although we strive to make this the reality for all accounts.
- SolidSMM is not liable for any damage/loss to your videos, your social media accounts and/or any other information during or after your order has been delivered. Please note that you use our website at your own risk.
SolidSMM reserves the right to modify the information displayed on the web without prior notice. Please update regularly to avoid future conflicts.
SolidSMM reserves the right to change its privacy policy in these cases:
1- In case the competent state agency wants to get your information;
2- We shall share customer information with the authorities if required by law..